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What’s Next After the European Elections?
GCCA Europe advocacy team holds webinar Q&A on impact of Parliamentary results.
By Shane Brennan

Last month, the GCCA Europe advocacy team met to discuss the outcome of the European elections and what it means for the cold chain. In the first of a new series of open webinar Q+A sessions, they reflected on Parliamentary results that mean significant changes to the agenda on European economic integration, global trade and environmental policy. The advocacy team also explained GCCA’s plans to ensure that the voice of the cold chain is heard in the debates ahead.

In the webinar session, Julie Hanson, GCCA Director of Europe was joined by Shane Brennan, GCCA SVP for Global Communications as well as GCCA advisers Giorgio Corbetta and Alessandro Piccionne, Directors at Brussels-based Kellen Europe.

A Tilt to the Right

The European Parliament has shifted to the right, strengthening the European People’s Party and increasing the presence of right-leaning political parties. This includes confirming a second term for European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen.

Corbetta explained it will likely mean continuity in key structures and policy files of the previous Commission but with major shifts in emphasis away from ambitious commitments to net zero transition in energy and transport and a rebalancing of food and environmental policy towards the imperatives of agricultural production.

A Clear Agenda for the Cold Chain

Brennan explained how the new agenda is likely to impact the priorities set out by GCCA and fellow European trade associations in the spring. He identified the most high-profile issues that will be indicators of the likely approach to key issues, for example the possible delay to the ban on diesel and petrol cars and vans in 2035, the ending of key environmental land use targets on agriculture and the approach to global trade policy.

Ready to Act

Hanson led the discussion on GCCA’s preparations to engage with the new Commission and Parliament. Piccione mapped out the key Parliamentary Committees and how GCCA will target the key influencers and potential allies with briefings and information.

The team talked about the importance of member support and engagement in gathering necessary data and helping GCCA positions to agree on the details of key policy briefs. They also stressed the importance of working with and through a coalition of voices from across the industry. The team reiterated its commitment to working with Europe-based national associations and representatives of associated industries.


September 1, 2024


Advocacy, Government & Regulatory Affairs