The Global Cold Chain Alliance is proud to announce the release of the 2024 Feeding the Economy report. This comprehensive report highlights the contributions of the food and agricultural sector to the economy, underlining the critical importance of ongoing support for this vital industry.

According to the report, investment in the food and agricultural sector has yielded impressive results, injecting over 48.6 million jobs into the US economy, generating $2.8 trillion in wages, contributing $1.8 trillion in taxes, and facilitating $181.4 billion in exports.

GCCA cosponsored this initiative to shed light on the essential role of having a robust food and agriculture sector. The report reiterates the immense opportunity to keep investing in American fertile soil and continue to reap the benefits locally and nationwide. We are thrilled to cosponsor this important report and continue supporting the America economy.

To read more about Feeding America and this report click here: Feeding the Economy – Feeding the Economy

Published Date

March 20, 2024




United States


Controlled Environment Building, GCCA Transportation, GCCA Warehouse, Global Cold Chain Foundation