On April 11, GCCA joined 41 other organizations in sending a letter to all members of the House of Representatives, urging their support for the Start Applying Labor Transparency (SALT) Act.

The SALT Act, introduced by Rep. Owens (R-UT), aims to mandate that unions register “salts” with the Department of Labor (DOL). Salts are individuals paid by unions to secure jobs at non-unionized workplaces with the goal of encouraging workers to organize. They often disrupt labor-management relations and gather information about the employer or coworkers for use during organizing drives or labor disputes. Salts are not currently required to disclose their intentions to employers, the DOL, or the colleagues they seek to persuade. The SALT Act seeks to enhance transparency by requiring unions and salts to disclose their actions to the DOL, providing much-needed clarity for workers.

Published Date

April 21, 2024


Advocacy, Cold Chain Development, Government & Regulatory Affairs


United States


Controlled Environment Building, GCCA Transportation, GCCA Warehouse, Global Cold Chain Foundation