Every year, the Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA) publishes the GCCA Global Top 25 List of the largest refrigerated warehousing and logistics providers in the world. The list is determined by total capacity of temperature-controlled space operated by GCCA Warehouse Members.
List as of March, 2023
Company | Capacity ft(3) | |
1. Lineage Logistics | 2,847,785,867 | |
2. Americold Logistics | 1,476,600,000 | |
3. United States Cold Storage, Inc. | 423,328,689 | |
4. NewCold Cooperatief U.A. | 215,124,000 | |
5. Nichirei Logistics Group, Inc. | 199,145,220 | |
6. Emergent Cold LatAm | 147,141,197 | |
7. Interstate Warehousing, Inc. | 116,301,722 | |
8. Frialsa Frigorificos S.A. De C.V. | 108,613,318 | |
9. Constellation Cold Logistics | 103,282,266 | |
10. Superfrio Logistica Frigorificada | 81,441,483 | |
11. FreezPak Logistics | 67,985,000 | |
12. Conestoga Cold Storage | 64,313,826 | |
13. Congebec Logistics, Inc. | 60,700,000 | |
14. METCOLD Supply Network Management Limited | 56,273,340 | |
15. RLS Partners | 40,667,084 | |
16. Friozem Armazens Frigorificos Ltda. | 37,292,288 | |
17. Magnavale Ltd | 36,543,970 | |
18. Confederation Freezers - Brampton | 34,495,000 | |
19. Trenton Cold Storage, Inc. | 34,277,373 | |
20. Nor-Am Cold Storage | 34,071,792 | |
21. Burris Logistics | 32,981,162 | |
22. Agri-Norcold A/S | 28,631,393 | |
23. RLS Logistics | 25,400,000 | |
24. Vertical Cold Storage | 24,878,611 | |
25. ColdPoint Logistics | 21,593,588 |