Every year, the Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA) publishes the GCCA European Top 10 List of the largest refrigerated warehousing and logistics providers in Europe. The list is determined by total capacity of temperature-controlled space operated by GCCA Warehouse Members.

Last updated March 2023

CompanyCapacity ft(3)
1. Lineage Logistics640,895,921
2. NewCold Advanced Cold Logistics205,000,000
3. Constellation Cold Logistics103,282,266
4. Americold Logistics70,700,000
5. Nichirei Logistics Europe55,532,337
6. Magnavale Ltd.36,543,970
7. Agri-Norcold A/S28,631,393
8. Frigolanda Logistics Group13,000,000
9. Groupe Conhexa11,572,616
10. Frigo Warehousing8,969,925

i. Nichirei Logistics Group, Inc.’s global space includes Eurofrigo, Frigo Logistics, Godfroy Transport & Entrepôts S.A., HIWA Rotterdam Port Cold Stores.

ii. Constellation Cold Logistics includes Glacio Cold Chain Logistics Partners AS, Koel- en Vrieshuis Lintelo BV, and Stockhabo.





GCCA Warehouse, Global Cold Chain Foundation