A message from your 2023 Chairmen
2023 has been a record-breaking year for your Associations. With the largest-ever participation in our events and training programs, high-impact advocacy campaigns and the most ever meetings held in a single year across the world, we have never been more confident in our purpose to bring the world of cold chain together. The warehouse, transportation, and construction services have been the quiet and dependable link in our food supply chain for years. Recently, there has been growing attention towards this industry due to world instability and questions about supply chain security. GCCA, GCCF and CEBA are well positioned to represent the sector’s best practices globally. We have also seen some big success in our role as a voice for cold chain.
The GCCA played a lead role in introducing the FRIDGE Act into the US Congress, highlighting the importance of public/private investment in global imports/exports. The Act is a landmark legislation and an example of our growing impact. GCCA is member-owned and run, with business leaders volunteering their time to ensure the organization is effective, responsive and focused on the needs of cold chain professionals worldwide. We thank all our colleagues for their invaluable contributions. As we hand over our Chairmanships to our successors, we want to thank our dedicated staff team, and we know that 2024 will see GCCA go from strength to strength.
2023 GCCA Warehouse Chairman
2023 GCCA Transportation Chairman
2023 GCCF Chairman
2023 CEBA Chairman