Certified Cold Carried Logo

Certify Your Cold Carrier Company

A GCCA Program designed to recognize asset-based carrier organizations for their commitment to sanitary and safe transportation of perishable products.

The global Certified Cold CarrierTM program developed by the Global Cold Chain Alliance provides independent, third-party assurance that your asset-based carrier company is aligned with industry-prescribed best practices for the safe and sanitary transport of food perishables. These best practices are published in GCCA's Cold Chain – Transportation Best Practices and are based on the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Amimal Food (STF) rule of the U.S. Food Safety  Modernization Act (FSMA).

Companies that have currently met the requirements of being a Certified Cold Carrier:

What Do Carriers Say?

“The value in the Certified Cold Carrier program for us is two-fold,” notes Jim Koeble, Vice President - Transportation for Midwest Refrigerated Services, Inc. “Internally, it invites review of best practices and creates an opportunity to re-engage drivers and staff on critical temperature control processes. Externally, it differentiates us from other carriers by demonstrating that our cold chain practices relative to the safe transportation of food are verified by a third party so that customers can have confidence in entrusting their refrigerated and frozen shipments to us.”

Download a program overview, see how this program benefits food shippers, or view current participants. See the Food Logistics article about the Certification.

The Program Will:

  • Instill confidence with your customers—certification by an industry-based third party conveys impartial judgment based on a transparent standard.
  • Help you review and improve company practices for the sanitary and safe shipment of perishables.
  • Drive management and driver commitment.
  • Demonstrate your organization’s commitment to sanitary transport of food.
  • Differentiate your organization from its competitors as an industry leader.
  • Show your dedication to furthering the transportation and supply chain industries.

How to Apply

The Certified Cold Carrier Application has these components:

  1. The application. Preview the application: Word or PDF.
  2. Proof of conformance - the attachments (see example) and Proof of Knowledge
  3. An application fee of $1,000 for GCCA/IRTA members and $3,500 for non-members (join now and save). The fee covers your entire fleet for a 3-year period.

Proof of conformance details:

  • The carrier applicant must complete the criteria table found within Part I of the application form by indicating each proof of confrmance attachment title and number.
  • Further, individual proof of conformance attachments must have corresponding titles and numbering.
  • Applications are considered incomplete without attachment titles and numbering on both criteria table and individual attachments.

Questions? Contact GCCA


Applicants are encouraged to submit all requirements as one PDF file. Please submit applications to ccc@gcca.org. Paper submittals are accepted as well; all materials must be bound into one file.

How is the Cold Carrier Program Awarded?

The Certified Cold Carrier Application has these components:

  1. The application. Preview the application: Word or PDF.
  2. Proof of conformance - the attachments (see example) and Proof of Knowledge
  3. An application fee of $1,000 for GCCA/IRTA members and $3,500 for non-members (join now and save). The fee covers your entire fleet for a 3-year period.

Proof of conformance details:

  • The carrier applicant must complete the criteria table found within Part I of the application form by indicating each proof of confrmance attachment title and number.
  • Further, individual proof of conformance attachments must have corresponding titles and numbering.
  • Applications are considered incomplete without attachment titles and numbering on both criteria table and individual attachments.