A GCCA Program designed to help cold storage warehouse energy usage management
Warehouse energy usage is the second highest cost in the cold storage industry behind labor. Managing energy usage costs is a high priority for temperature-controlled 3PL operators. The GCCA Energy Excellence Recognition Program (EERP) helps temperature-controlled warehouse operators measure and improve energy efficiency at each of their facilities.
The EERP is also a tool you can use to communicate your facility’s progress in meeting sustainability objectives to your customers, allowing you to be a better partner in overall cold chain sustainability.
Using qualitative and quantitative assessment tools, operators can track facility performance over time, as well as receive progress reports with recommended next steps and links to useful resources. Top performers will be recognized based on energy culture and magnitude of savings.
Download a brief overview of the program.

GCCA Excellence Recognition Program Participants
The GCCA Energy Excellence Recognition Program helps temperature-controlled warehouse operators measure and improve energy efficiency at each of their facilities. GCCA is pleased to share the following list of member companies and facilities who have all participated in the program.